« Our hangar is 23 feet tall, with a wood beam structure, an area of 22,000 sq. ft.15 and large doors to let enter/exit farm equipment. We answered the call to provide both heating and cooling solution.

Thanks to our KIGO low temperature heating solution, energy consumption is 2X less of what it is in a similar size hall using air heaters while providing a comparable insulation.

The Geneva international airport intended to reach a specific energy goal: to be less dependent on fossil fuels. KIGO proved to be the most appropriate, innovative solution.

For the new FENACO fruits sorting and stocking center, the expectations were precise: to heat and to cool only the work stations for the comfort of the staff and to ensure the greates energy efficiency possible.

Thanks to KIGO, NEXANS could abandon its antiquated water heating system. Instead of gas burners, heat pumps (water/water) will now fee the heating system at very low temperature.

SEUTHE, a German machine manufacturing company, expected an innovative solution at low temperature to quickly reach its energy consumption and maintenance costs reduction goals.