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Hot, cold in Paris with KIGO


Renovation of the « Maison des sciences de l’homme » building in Paris, 17'700 m2 to heat and cool. KIGO was selected.

The project.

The 17 700 m² complex is made up of two adjoining buildings, one in R+9 along the Raspail Boulevard, the other in R+4 on the street of Cherche-Midi, both connected by walkway. The important, specific cooling requirement of the office building led the client to choose KIGO climate panels. In addition to the KIGO Panels, KIGO France also supplied metal ceiling, an identical reproduction of the former decorative ceiling – in total 11’300m² on top of the 2'300 m2 KIGO panels.

The goal and solution.

The technical particularities of the buildings, the regulations governing the project and the financial concerns for the State to relocate all workers in a single building, led to plan a renovation program whose key points are:

  • Reorganization of the offices and work spaces allowing FMSH and EHESS to work in intended conditions (capacity of about 500 work places).

  • Creation of service spaces related to daily life (food, etc.) and other business activities (documentation center, classrooms).

  • Update the technical equipment..

  • Reflection of the history of the building and the work of Mr. Lods

Key points of our solution.

Important specific cooling power of the KIGO panels behind a suspended metal ceiling. Delivery of a tailor-made metal ceiling identical to the former one.

Contact: Julien Adrast


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